Maintaining high Quality standards in all operations is key to our success and reputation. To this end, we strive to consistently provide services that meet the requirements and expectations of our customers and all interested parties.

As a commitment to this policy and its continual improvement, a documented Quality Management (QMS) which meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 has been established with the Managing responsible for determining measurable objectives. The QMS is periodically reviewed to ensure continual improvement in our Service delivery. To achieve this, we will:

i. Continually monitor and improve the level of our client’s satisfaction with our performance

ii. Ensure our works comply with relevant RIDOK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LTD operational procedures

iii. Ensure all quality related issues are effectively reported and addressed

iv. Ensure all employees have sufficient induction, and training to undertake their work safely and effectively

v. Encourage a culture of cooperation and participation regarding quality issues.

vi. Strive to deliver our products and services on time and on budget

vii. Strive to recruit and retain high quality employees

viii. Comply with applicable legislation, codes and standard



RIDOK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LTD identifies and adheres to safe and outlined working and applicable practice in operation and safe working practices.

✓ We identify threats and establish safety measures to curb the occurrence of any accident.

✓ We ensure proper preparation for the control of emergencies related both safety and environment.

✓ We ensure compliance with all statutory rules and regulation and other regulatory and mandatory requirement through other agencies.

✓ We ensure qualitative services that are relevant to the growth of the world economy in the areas of general marine businesses, oilfield operations and engineering constructions and other related services.

✓ We value our individual and combined strength of diverse and talented work force. We ensure collective efforts by personnel that are principle based and characterized by innovation, God fearing, integrity as well as communication and creative collaboration at all levels of management and partnership in delivering superior value services to our clients and upholding our values and standards of excellence.



1. Increase market share in the maritime, oil and Gas and related industries in Africa.

2. Enhance project delivery efficiency via efficient and effective project management processes, optimized resource allocation, and streamlined workflows to enhance the efficiency and timeliness of project delivery.

3. Expand service offerings by Identifying new services or capabilities that complement our existing expertise.

4. Strengthen client relationships by Focusing on building strong, long-term relationships with clients by providing exceptional customer service, delivering projects on time and within budget, and consistently exceeding client expectations.

5. Enhance safety standards by Establishing objectives to improve safety practices and maintain a strong safety record across all our operations.

6. Foster innovation and technology adoption by encouraging the exploration and implementation of innovative technologies and techniques to improve productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in our projects.

7. Develop strategic partnerships by identifying potential strategic partners in related industries, to collaborate on joint ventures, share resources, and leverage each other's expertise to expand market reach and capabilities.

8. Enhance sustainability practices by Setting objectives to incorporate sustainable practices into our operations, or adopting environmentally responsible waste management practices.

9. Pursue international growth opportunities by identifying growth opportunities, assessing market potential, and developing strategies to enter and establish a presence in new regions.

10. Invest in employee development by prioritize employee training and development initiatives to enhance technical skills, foster leadership capabilities, and create a highly skilled and motivated workforce.


RIDOK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LTD. is committed to ensure the safety of all her critical IT assets, equipment and data against cyber-attacks that may pose as a threat to her operation and job performance.

All employees/crews have full responsibility to report any form of malicious threats to the IT department. On no account should any staff/crew deal with the issue without prior notice and instruction from the IT department.

As measures to curtail cyber threats, users of information resources shall sign, as a prerequisite for employment, an appropriate confidentiality agreement via which they will declare that they understand that any unauthorized use or disclosure of information residing on the information resource systems may result in disciplinary action.

All staffs/crew personally are responsible for what they communicate on all internet platforms outside the workplace.

Users must always be mindful of contributions and what disclose about the company.

All complaints of cyber threats will be dealt by Ridok International Company Ltd. in a timely manner and all related details will remain highly confidential.



RIDOK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY is committed to a safe, healthy and productive work environment for all employees. The Company recognises that alcohol or drug abuse by employees will impair their ability to perform properly and will have serious adverse effects on the safety, efficiency and productivity of other employees and the Company as a whole. Therefore:

1. Onboard our vessels or in any of our premises, neither the crew nor anyone else visiting or otherwise onboard must be intoxicated at any time. The limit of alcohol impairment is: Blood alcohol content at any time while person is onboard, shall not exceed 0.04 percent GM/Decilitre of blood, or 40 mg/100 ml or greater.

2. Consumption of alcohol onboard shall only be permitted for crew members above 18 years of age maximum one beer (330 ml) per meal maximum four beers per week to be served open and to be consumed at the table. The entitlement shall not be transferable to another person.

3. Alcohol must not be consumed-period of abstinence from alcohol: Officers and crew scheduled for watch-keeping duty shall not consume any alcohol at least four hours prior to the start and during watch-keeping duty. Within last 24 hours prior to arrival at a country’s territorial waters and until you have left the territorial waters, alcohol consumption must be suspended and onboard alcohol beverages to be properly secured.

4. The purchase of private alcohol is not permitted for all onboard.

5. The sale of alcohol to crew members is prohibited.

6. The ship’s alcohol stock onboard to be reasonable in quantity sufficient for legal use only, as required by the National official victualing scale and under the control of the Master.

7. Owners do not accept that members of the crew and/or other persons onboard the vessel consume unauthorized drugs or that any kind of drugs are brought or exist onboard their vessels (outside of the vessel’s hospital).

8. Master, Officers and crew prior to employment must undergo a drug and alcohol testing as arranged by the recruiting office.

9. The Master to carry out unannounced alcohol test onboard when he finds it appropriate using the alcohol test equipment provided onboard by the Owners.

10. The Owners shall arrange for a shore contractor to take urine samples unannounced and to carry out a drug and alcohol test. Master is to make the appropriate log entries and he will be advised when the results are known.

11. Unannounced tests will be arranged onboard and in the office premises at least once a year.



RIDOK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LTD. As an organization requires all staff at all times to act honestly and with integrity and to safeguard the resources for which they are responsible. Fraud is an everpresent threat to these resources and hence must be a concern to all members of staff. The purposes of this statement are to set out responsibilities with regard to the prevention of fraud.


What is Fraud?

No precise legal definition of fraud exists; many of the offenses referred to as fraud are covered by the Theft Acts of 1968 and 1978 and the forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981. The tern is used to describe such acts as theft, deception, bribery, forgery, corruption, false accounting and conspiracy to commit these offences. For practical purposes, fraud may be defined as the use of deception with intention of obtaining an advantage, avoiding an obligation or causing loss to another party.



• Developing and maintain effective controls to prevent fraud

• Carrying out vigorous and prompt investigations if fraud occurs

• Taking appropriate legal and/or disciplinary action against perpetrators of fraud

• Taking disciplinary action against supervisors where supervisory failures have contributed to the commission of the fraud. Managers should be responsible for:-

• Identify the risks to which systems and procedures are exposed

• Developing and maintaining effective controls to prevent and detect fraud

• Ensuring that controls are being compiled with.


Individual members of staff are responsible for:-

• Acting with propriety in the use of official resources and in the handling and use of corporate funds whether they are involved with cash or payments systems, receipts or dealing with contractors or suppliers

• Reporting details immediately to (their lien manager or next most senior manager) if they suspect that a fraud has been committed or see any suspicious acts or events.



Our statement of policy on HSE is:

• To Implement OUR SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM which demonstrate clear commitment of senior management and personnel to environmental safety standards.

• Fully comply, or exceed, all applicable environmental legislation, regulations and rules and endeavor to apply complementary standards. (ZERO-SPILL KPIs)

• To assess all identified risks to its marine Vessels, personnel and the environment and establish appropriate safeguards.

• To continuously improve Safety Management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ships, including preparing for emergencies related both to Safety & Environmental Protection.

• To continuously monitor all safety and pollution aspects of our fleet.

• To frequently inspects and maintain assets to assure its integrity.

• To continuously improves its management system by taking corrective & preventive action for identified problem areas.

• To provide adequate resources to effectively implement this management system

• To develop and implements a management system which is “Safety & Pollution Prevention” oriented.

• To carry out a generic and project-specific Risk Assessment in its basic operations and practices and establish safeguards against identified risks

All Company employees, shore based and offshore are responsible for implementing the company's Safety & Environment Protection Policy.



In order to ensure adequate security of her personnel, equipment and material in all our operations, RIDOK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LTD will maintain a combined team of locally trained guards and intelligence officers.

There is security provision, which shall be available at our facility and also extended to all equipment, personnel and materials in transit.

Whenever there are sufficient physical threats to lives and properties the Company would expect the forces of law and order in the State to provide appropriate protection. Independent security training shall be organized from time to time to update worker’s security awareness.

All security defaults shall be reported, investigated and action taken to prevent reoccurrence.