Amazing Core Values
Ridok International Company Ltd. is guided by some core values that keeps us exceptional and unique within the marine and engineering industry. We believe this values give us outstanding performance during every job.
Team work
We believe that in a team everyone has an important role to play, this is why at the core of our activities teamwork is always relevant.
One of the uniqueness of mankind is that of diversity, This concept is what brings beauty in society. We recognize this and have made it a bedrock in our value system.
Service Excellence.
At RIdok international Company Ltd. we believe that best can be attained on every job so we aim towards it. We are aimed at achieving the very best.
A safe delivered job is more important than any profit driven approach. At all cost we ensure that each job is done in the environment and in the safest possible way.
Innovation and Technology
In a constantly evolving world and technologically advanced civilization, we are constantly advancing and innovating in our job delivery approach keeping us ahead.
Conservative Accounting/Financial Practice
We believe that at the core of the growth of any business, a good financial practice is a driving force. We have this as a focus.